ข่าวภาษาอังกฤษ หน้า 11
- 151County, city leaders take on disability for the day 1027/0 21/03/2557
- 152On the wrong side of the law, and still getting paid 1428/0 18/03/2557
- 153Educational puppet troupe teaches Sask. kids about disability 1422/0 15/03/2557
- 154Near-death experience inspires John Nichols to start Disability ... 1361/0 14/03/2557
- 155March is Disability Awareness Month 1312/0 13/03/2557
- 156Couch Potato Today, Wheelchair Tomorrow? Study Links Sitting, Di... 908/0 11/03/2557
- 157Disability Living Fund closure to go ahead – minister 916/0 7/03/2557
- 158Disability Risk Increases By The Hour for Older Couch Potatoes 1082/0 5/03/2557
- 159Marin officials approve $15 million disability access settlement 969/0 4/03/2557
- 160Sitting time linked to disability regardless of physical activit... 829/0 3/03/2557
- 161From lifts to ramps, disability access needs improvement at Soch... 1018/0 1/03/2557
- 162Activists rue weak links in disability rights bill 1119/0 28/02/2557
- 163White House Urged To Fully Fund IDEA 1061/0 27/02/2557
- 164From lifts to ramps, disability access needs improvement at Soch... 887/0 22/02/2557
- 165Disability care goes straight to the heart, but needs a business... 1550/0 21/02/2557