Namibia: Autism Must Not Be a Disability


By Waldo,

NaMedia last month handed an amount of N$5000 to Autism Namibia. NaMedia says its support will assist students with a disability who cannot afford to make any contribution for the training they receive from the organisation.

At the handover, media analyst at NaMedia Gesche Pinsenchaum said NaMedia is a proud supporter of the multi -urpose centre for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Namibia. "All employees at NaMedia care about the health, safety and needs of impoverished Namibian citizens, and we firmly believe that every bit of assistance makes a difference."

"In addition to big spenders from the corporate sector, if all small or medium enterprises could contribute towards so many other projects that target the needs of those that cannot provide for themselves, we would truly be making a difference both short and longer term. Skills are something that last forever,they pay it forward, and for this reason we need to be paying those that teach and help with a view to a better future. Learning in order to better the position that you are in, is a right to be afforded to every Namibian, irrespective of their ability or disability" said Managing Director of NaMedia, Natasja Beyleveld

วันที่โพสต์: 6/06/2556 เวลา 03:53:05


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By Waldo, NaMedia last month handed an amount of N$5000 to Autism Namibia. NaMedia says its support will assist students with a disability who cannot afford to make any contribution for the training they receive from the organisation. At the handover, media analyst at NaMedia Gesche Pinsenchaum said NaMedia is a proud supporter of the multi -urpose centre for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Namibia. "All employees at NaMedia care about the health, safety and needs of impoverished Namibian citizens, and we firmly believe that every bit of assistance makes a difference." "In addition to big spenders from the corporate sector, if all small or medium enterprises could contribute towards so many other projects that target the needs of those that cannot provide for themselves, we would truly be making a difference both short and longer term. Skills are something that last forever,they pay it forward, and for this reason we need to be paying those that teach and help with a view to a better future. Learning in order to better the position that you are in, is a right to be afforded to every Namibian, irrespective of their ability or disability" said Managing Director of NaMedia, Natasja Beyleveld


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