A ‘revolution’ in disability care


REVOLUTIONARY: An Armidale support organisation has called DisabilityCare "as big as mediare".


http://www.armidaleexpress.com.au/story/1617435/a-revolution-in-disability-care/?cs=12 (ขนาดไฟล์: 167)

THE new DisabilityCare Australia scheme announced this week is “as big as Medicare” according to a local support organisation.

Chief of the Armidale-based Ascent Group, Kevin Mead, is delighted that all sides of politics have shown support for what he calls a “revolution” for disability support services right across Australia.

DisabilityCare Australia, known during its development stage as the National Disability Insurance Scheme, has been rolled out in five areas around Australia and will be in place throughout NSW by 2018.

“It’s as big as Medicare really,” Mr Mead said. “Before Medicare not all Australians had access to health care the way we do now.

“Support for disabilities has been fragmented but this will help 460,000 Australians with a disability and 140,000 in NSW.”

The federal government successfully passed the bill earlier this week with support from all other parties and the remaining independents.

“This historic piece of legislation is the foundation for a truly national scheme that will deliver meaningful change for thousands of people with disability across Australia,” Minister for Disability Reform Jenny Macklin said.

Mr Mead said he applauded all those involved in ensuring the bill passed, but people and organisations involved in disability support in the Armidale area may have to wait up to five years to see the full impact.

It is being rolled out in the Hunter region - around Newcastle, Maitland and Lake Macquarie - immediately, as well as in four other areas interstate.

Patience may be required but the adoption of the scheme in these five areas will only assist in the on-going national roll-out.

“It’s a huge revolution for organisations and individuals,” Mr Mead said.

“There will be some glitches, but they will have time to work it all out.”

ที่มา: http://www.armidaleexpress.com.au/story/1617435/a-revolution-in-disability-care/?cs=12 (ขนาดไฟล์: 167)
วันที่โพสต์: 30/07/2556 เวลา 04:24:48 ดูภาพสไลด์โชว์ A ‘revolution’ in disability care


จัดฟอร์แม็ต ดูการแสดงผล






REVOLUTIONARY: An Armidale support organisation has called DisabilityCare \"as big as mediare\". By GRANT ROBERTSON http://www.armidaleexpress.com.au/story/1617435/a-revolution-in-disability-care/?cs=12 THE new DisabilityCare Australia scheme announced this week is “as big as Medicare” according to a local support organisation. Chief of the Armidale-based Ascent Group, Kevin Mead, is delighted that all sides of politics have shown support for what he calls a “revolution” for disability support services right across Australia. DisabilityCare Australia, known during its development stage as the National Disability Insurance Scheme, has been rolled out in five areas around Australia and will be in place throughout NSW by 2018. “It’s as big as Medicare really,” Mr Mead said. “Before Medicare not all Australians had access to health care the way we do now. “Support for disabilities has been fragmented but this will help 460,000 Australians with a disability and 140,000 in NSW.” The federal government successfully passed the bill earlier this week with support from all other parties and the remaining independents. “This historic piece of legislation is the foundation for a truly national scheme that will deliver meaningful change for thousands of people with disability across Australia,” Minister for Disability Reform Jenny Macklin said. Mr Mead said he applauded all those involved in ensuring the bill passed, but people and organisations involved in disability support in the Armidale area may have to wait up to five years to see the full impact. It is being rolled out in the Hunter region - around Newcastle, Maitland and Lake Macquarie - immediately, as well as in four other areas interstate. Patience may be required but the adoption of the scheme in these five areas will only assist in the on-going national roll-out. “It’s a huge revolution for organisations and individuals,” Mr Mead said. “There will be some glitches, but they will have time to work it all out.”


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