Building resilience thru' disability inclusive disaster risk reduction


Nushrat Rahman Chowhdury

People with disabilities are the largest minority and among the most excluded in the society. Often overlooked, representing one-fifth of the world's population, people with disability have unique contribution to reducing risks of their community and thus building a disaster future. The theme of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2013 is 'Living with Disability and Disaster' to focus on approximately one billion people of the world with some form of disability and their vulnerability to disasters.

Bangladesh is one of the most disaster-prone countries of the world. Flood, cyclone, river bank erosion, drought, storm and tidal surge are some of the dominant natural hazards of this country. The man-made hazards like fire, building collapse, road accidents are on the increase due to high growth in urbanization. Though, there has not been any severe earthquake since 1897, seismic tremors are felt occasionally along the fault lines though there has not been any severe earthquake since then. Therefore, Bangladesh has a long history of combating disasters. The World Risk Report 2102 ranks Bangladesh 5th among 15 countries with the highest risk worldwide considering the disastrous combination of extreme exposure and high vulnerability. The phenomenon of climate change is real and there is now evidence that global warming is occurring. According to Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009, the vulnerability of Bangladesh will become even more as a result of climate change. Very briefly, the challenge now facing Bangladesh is to build the resilience of the people to disasters and changing climate.

In spite all the challenges and complexities, the holistic disaster management system of Bangladesh is highly appreciated and praiseworthy. The adoption of Standing Orders on Disaster, the Disaster Management Act and the National Plan for Disaster Management are some of the milestones of Bangladesh's disaster management. Among the regulatory frameworks, the Standing Orders of Disaster Management was formulated making the persons concerned understand and perform their duties and responsibilities regarding disaster management at all levels. Therefore, the participation of all the actors should be ensured for effective disaster management.

According to World Disasters Report Focus on Discrimination (Geneva, Switzerland, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2007), in situations of disasters, persons with disabilities are doubly vulnerable on account of impairments and poverty, yet, they are often ignored or excluded at all levels of disaster preparedness, mitigation and intervention. Common experience reveals that due to lack of planning, limited access to services and facilities, transportation system, people with disabilities are left behind. In the event of disasters, the care givers of the disabled people strive to provide assistance for the abovementioned reasons. Again, there is also a possibility of discrimination when the resource is scarce.

The Household Income Expenditure Survey 2011 of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics reported people with disability at 9.07 per cent. The estimated 16 million people with disability are living with little or sometimes no assistance across the country. The risk and vulnerability of the people with disability is higher due to physical, psychosocial, communication and institutional barriers. During disasters, their life becomes more challenging though Article 11 of the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities affirms that all necessary measures should be taken to ensure the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in occurrence of natural disasters.

The status of people with disability in country's disaster management

According to all the regulatory frameworks of Bangladesh disaster management, the need of people with disability must be taken into consideration as they are one of the vulnerable groups of people to disasters. Identifying and giving support to the people of disabilities during, pre and post disaster situation have been given to others. People with disabilities do not get the opportunity to make decision for their own. During the risk reduction phase, their absence fails to mainstream disability into preparedness, mitigation and emergency response.

At local the level, the district, upazila, pourasava, union and city corporation disaster management committees are responsible for conducting the activities of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and relief. Their responsibilities are subject to risk reduction and emergency response. It is their responsibility to take decisions regarding what should be done in different phases. Due to having no involvement in the committee, people with disability cannot take part in the decision making process. The contribution of potential actor of society is thus misplaced. The gaps remain in the areas where the rights have been violated and where there is scope for improvement.

Enabling people with disabilities for effective disaster risk reduction

The active participation of the people with disability should be ensured in disaster risk reduction. By participating in the committee, people with disability representatives will be informed about their risks and capable of taking practical measures for the reduction of risk at the household and community level. It will be the responsibility of the representative to disseminate the acquired knowledge among people with disability. The care giver can play an important role in this regard by accompanying the person and disseminating messages along with or on behalf of him/her. With the active participation of the representative, risk reduction action plan can be prepared and implemented ensuring the accessibility of people with disability. S/he can also help the other committee members to identify the most vulnerable people at risk by physical ability. The income of people can also be increased by taking part during the preparation of the Comprehensive Disaster Management Plan which is supposed to be prepared at all local levels by the disaster management committees. Raising funds at local level, updating the progress of implementation plan, preparing relevant plans for rescue, primary relief operation etc are some of the activities of the local level DMCs. Therefore, the representative of people with disability can play a key role to establish their right by taking part in all the activities to be performed by his/her committee.

Given the paradigm shift in country's disaster management from conventional response and relief application to more disaster risk reduction and preparedness approach, the presence of people with disability representatives in the local level DMCs will ensure that their requirements are considered in risk reduction and preparedness planning. It is not only their active participation but also their decision making competency that can make actions and activities people with disability friendly.

Considering the special necessity of elderly and people with disability, Islamic Relief, Bangladesh (IR,B) implements its disaster risk reduction programs. Raising plinth of the household, installing tube-well and constructing latrine are some of the activities implemented by IR,B reflecting the need of elderly and people with disability. It has also provided assistive devices to its right holders to help them increase their mobility. It also assures the participation of people with disability in its programs so that their right is protected and needs is met.

Changing mindset, extending support for people with disabilities

Some people are born with disability and some people have an accident that results in disability. With some people, the likelihood of having disability increases as they age. Does it mean that these people will not enjoy life like others? In case of Rana Plaza building collapse, will the physically disabled people be left behind and abandoned once who were the main earning members of the family? People with intellectual disability may have some difficulty, but intensive support and supervision enable them to perform a wide range of work. As these people require extensive support, does it mean that they are burden and not fit for their community? Certainly not! It is the mindset of the community that needs to be changed for people with disability. We need to confirm equity based extensive support for them. We must build capacity of the people with disability and create space for them so that they can raise their voice.

All people are equal in dignity and rights. People with disability cannot be deprived of his/her right to life, liberty and security. The community must recognize that the people with disability enjoy legal capacity on equal basis with others in all aspects of life. Being an active actor and able to exercise decision making ability, people with disability can assure safety of his/her family as well as community not only in the normal period but also during an emergency. Ensuring effective participation of people from all walks of life will surely set Bangladesh on a path towards resilience.

The writer is Program Officer-Knowledge Management, Islamic Relief, Bangladesh. Email:

วันที่โพสต์: 14/11/2556 เวลา 03:53:23


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Nushrat Rahman Chowhdury People with disabilities are the largest minority and among the most excluded in the society. Often overlooked, representing one-fifth of the world's population, people with disability have unique contribution to reducing risks of their community and thus building a disaster future. The theme of International Day for Disaster Reduction 2013 is 'Living with Disability and Disaster' to focus on approximately one billion people of the world with some form of disability and their vulnerability to disasters. Bangladesh is one of the most disaster-prone countries of the world. Flood, cyclone, river bank erosion, drought, storm and tidal surge are some of the dominant natural hazards of this country. The man-made hazards like fire, building collapse, road accidents are on the increase due to high growth in urbanization. Though, there has not been any severe earthquake since 1897, seismic tremors are felt occasionally along the fault lines though there has not been any severe earthquake since then. Therefore, Bangladesh has a long history of combating disasters. The World Risk Report 2102 ranks Bangladesh 5th among 15 countries with the highest risk worldwide considering the disastrous combination of extreme exposure and high vulnerability. The phenomenon of climate change is real and there is now evidence that global warming is occurring. According to Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009, the vulnerability of Bangladesh will become even more as a result of climate change. Very briefly, the challenge now facing Bangladesh is to build the resilience of the people to disasters and changing climate. In spite all the challenges and complexities, the holistic disaster management system of Bangladesh is highly appreciated and praiseworthy. The adoption of Standing Orders on Disaster, the Disaster Management Act and the National Plan for Disaster Management are some of the milestones of Bangladesh's disaster management. Among the regulatory frameworks, the Standing Orders of Disaster Management was formulated making the persons concerned understand and perform their duties and responsibilities regarding disaster management at all levels. Therefore, the participation of all the actors should be ensured for effective disaster management. According to World Disasters Report Focus on Discrimination (Geneva, Switzerland, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2007), in situations of disasters, persons with disabilities are doubly vulnerable on account of impairments and poverty, yet, they are often ignored or excluded at all levels of disaster preparedness, mitigation and intervention. Common experience reveals that due to lack of planning, limited access to services and facilities, transportation system, people with disabilities are left behind. In the event of disasters, the care givers of the disabled people strive to provide assistance for the abovementioned reasons. Again, there is also a possibility of discrimination when the resource is scarce. The Household Income Expenditure Survey 2011 of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics reported people with disability at 9.07 per cent. The estimated 16 million people with disability are living with little or sometimes no assistance across the country. The risk and vulnerability of the people with disability is higher due to physical, psychosocial, communication and institutional barriers. During disasters, their life becomes more challenging though Article 11 of the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities affirms that all necessary measures should be taken to ensure the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in occurrence of natural disasters. The status of people with disability in country's disaster management According to all the regulatory frameworks of Bangladesh disaster management, the need of people with disability must be taken into consideration as they are one of the vulnerable groups of people to disasters. Identifying and giving support to the people of disabilities during, pre and post disaster situation have been given to others. People with disabilities do not get the opportunity to make decision for their own. During the risk reduction phase, their absence fails to mainstream disability into preparedness, mitigation and emergency response. At local the level, the district, upazila, pourasava, union and city corporation disaster management committees are responsible for conducting the activities of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and relief. Their responsibilities are subject to risk reduction and emergency response. It is their responsibility to take decisions regarding what should be done in different phases. Due to having no involvement in the committee, people with disability cannot take part in the decision making process. The contribution of potential actor of society is thus misplaced. The gaps remain in the areas where the rights have been violated and where there is scope for improvement. Enabling people with disabilities for effective disaster risk reduction The active participation of the people with disability should be ensured in disaster risk reduction. By participating in the committee, people with disability representatives will be informed about their risks and capable of taking practical measures for the reduction of risk at the household and community level. It will be the responsibility of the representative to disseminate the acquired knowledge among people with disability. The care giver can play an important role in this regard by accompanying the person and disseminating messages along with or on behalf of him/her. With the active participation of the representative, risk reduction action plan can be prepared and implemented ensuring the accessibility of people with disability. S/he can also help the other committee members to identify the most vulnerable people at risk by physical ability. The income of people can also be increased by taking part during the preparation of the Comprehensive Disaster Management Plan which is supposed to be prepared at all local levels by the disaster management committees. Raising funds at local level, updating the progress of implementation plan, preparing relevant plans for rescue, primary relief operation etc are some of the activities of the local level DMCs. Therefore, the representative of people with disability can play a key role to establish their right by taking part in all the activities to be performed by his/her committee. Given the paradigm shift in country's disaster management from conventional response and relief application to more disaster risk reduction and preparedness approach, the presence of people with disability representatives in the local level DMCs will ensure that their requirements are considered in risk reduction and preparedness planning. It is not only their active participation but also their decision making competency that can make actions and activities people with disability friendly. Considering the special necessity of elderly and people with disability, Islamic Relief, Bangladesh (IR,B) implements its disaster risk reduction programs. Raising plinth of the household, installing tube-well and constructing latrine are some of the activities implemented by IR,B reflecting the need of elderly and people with disability. It has also provided assistive devices to its right holders to help them increase their mobility. It also assures the participation of people with disability in its programs so that their right is protected and needs is met. Changing mindset, extending support for people with disabilities Some people are born with disability and some people have an accident that results in disability. With some people, the likelihood of having disability increases as they age. Does it mean that these people will not enjoy life like others? In case of Rana Plaza building collapse, will the physically disabled people be left behind and abandoned once who were the main earning members of the family? People with intellectual disability may have some difficulty, but intensive support and supervision enable them to perform a wide range of work. As these people require extensive support, does it mean that they are burden and not fit for their community? Certainly not! It is the mindset of the community that needs to be changed for people with disability. We need to confirm equity based extensive support for them. We must build capacity of the people with disability and create space for them so that they can raise their voice. All people are equal in dignity and rights. People with disability cannot be deprived of his/her right to life, liberty and security. The community must recognize that the people with disability enjoy legal capacity on equal basis with others in all aspects of life. Being an active actor and able to exercise decision making ability, people with disability can assure safety of his/her family as well as community not only in the normal period but also during an emergency. Ensuring effective participation of people from all walks of life will surely set Bangladesh on a path towards resilience. The writer is Program Officer-Knowledge Management, Islamic Relief, Bangladesh. Email:


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