Breaking disability barries


By Steve Green

Nov. 26, 2013, midnight (ขนาดไฟล์: 167)

THIS year Tuesday, December 3 marks the 21st anniversary of the International Day of People With Disability.

In line with this year’s theme of “Break the Barriers, Open the Doors An Inclusive Society For All”, representatives of IAS Accessibility Group (AIS was formerly known as Inverell Accommodation Services) have organised a think tank to be held from 9am to 11.30am at the Inverell Shire Public Library, which will look at accessibility issues in the town.

IAS quality co-ordinator, Melanie Williams, has worked with Robert Scoble and Michael Clark to present the day and Cr Jackie Watts and Ken Beattie from Inverell Shire Council are expected to be present on the day to hear the views expressed.

As part of the day IAS will show footage of what works well and what could be improved around the town.

“We thought we would take this opportunity to raise awareness of the issues of accessibility,” Melanie said.

“We’ve been going around town and we’ve been taking video footage of the accessible car parks, the ones with the wheelchair symbol. A lot of them are really, really good, but if some of our guys have sensory issues or mobility problems, then they are still very difficult to access.

“We’d just like to sit down with council, and council have been great, Paul Henry has got back to us and is very enthusiastic, so we’re looking forward to some very positive outcomes.”

Melanie said those wishing to attend should RSVP by November 27 by contacting her on 6722 4947 or emailing

ที่มา: (ขนาดไฟล์: 167)
วันที่โพสต์: 27/11/2556 เวลา 00:34:21


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By Steve Green Nov. 26, 2013, midnight THIS year Tuesday, December 3 marks the 21st anniversary of the International Day of People With Disability. In line with this year’s theme of “Break the Barriers, Open the Doors An Inclusive Society For All”, representatives of IAS Accessibility Group (AIS was formerly known as Inverell Accommodation Services) have organised a think tank to be held from 9am to 11.30am at the Inverell Shire Public Library, which will look at accessibility issues in the town. IAS quality co-ordinator, Melanie Williams, has worked with Robert Scoble and Michael Clark to present the day and Cr Jackie Watts and Ken Beattie from Inverell Shire Council are expected to be present on the day to hear the views expressed. As part of the day IAS will show footage of what works well and what could be improved around the town. “We thought we would take this opportunity to raise awareness of the issues of accessibility,” Melanie said. “We’ve been going around town and we’ve been taking video footage of the accessible car parks, the ones with the wheelchair symbol. A lot of them are really, really good, but if some of our guys have sensory issues or mobility problems, then they are still very difficult to access. “We’d just like to sit down with council, and council have been great, Paul Henry has got back to us and is very enthusiastic, so we’re looking forward to some very positive outcomes.” Melanie said those wishing to attend should RSVP by November 27 by contacting her on 6722 4947 or emailing


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